there are approximately 56,600,000 deaths each year. That works out to 4.7
million per month, 155,000 per day, 6,500 per hour, 107 per minute, and 1.8 per
second. The Greek playwright Sophocles said it this way: “Of all the great
wonders, none is greater than man. Only for death can he find no cure.”Does
death win in the end? On this side of the grave it’s hard to tell. But we have true hope….Know More
The applications for the BMus Programme 2014 -15
will be accepted between 1st March and 16th May, 2014. The applied candidates
then will be invited for the Auditions in May 2014. Candidates are requested to
download the application and send the filled application to ACCM office before
the closing date. Students requiring prospectus should send a DD of Rs. 350, to
ACCM address favoring INDIA VISION, Project: Asian Christian College of Music,
payable at KOTTAYAM, KERALA....Apply Now
Considering there are 12 oils mentioned numerous
times throughout the Holy Scriptures it is no coincidence that God has given
these oil to mankind to sustain a healthy body.
These oils alone address all the body systems and appear to be prophetic
when considering the volatile times fast approaching God’s people. A brief synopsis of the oils will be
presented to further educate those interested in taking responsibility for
their own health....Know More
R. G. Lee said, “Our charge is not to defend the
Word put to preach it. Our charge is not to explain the miracles recorded
therein, but to preach it. Our charge is not to praise, but to proclaim. Our
charge is not to preach any doubts about it, but our faith it in. Our charge is
not to part or to shun any portion of it but to declare unto all men the
counsel of God.”....Read More
I also discovered God
wanted to make some changes in me. I sensed He wanted me to forgive Charlie for
the long list of hurts I nurtured. My first reaction was, “No way!” But how
could I call Jesus my Lord and not obey? So I made the attempt, feeling it
wasn’t even possible. But over a two-month period, God freed me of my anger and
helped me love Charlie unconditionally....Read More
In God, For You !
Team, Spiritual Alerts.