Sunday, 8 June 2014

Continue Your Faith !

For many of us, such trials continue despite our best efforts to overcome, sometimes even after years of faith and sincere prayer. What does this state of affairs say about our Father in Heaven and how He deals with his children? He allows these challenges to come about in our lives and permits them to continue far beyond what seems reasonable or helpful from our perspective....Know More

We support church planting through our ABC3 program—Assessment, Boot Camp, Coaching, Consulting, and Clusters...Know More

For over four decades, the Institute for Creation Research has equipped believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework...Know More

Welcome to LenMus! It is a free open software project, committed to the principles of open source software, free education, and open access to information. It has no commercial purpose. It aims at developing publicly available knowledge, methods and algorithms related to teaching music, and music representation and management with computers and, at the same time, to provide free quality software for music students, amateurs, and teachers. I started LenMus when I was studying music theory, as a help to practice sight reading and aural training. Since then I've been working on this. I hope it can be useful to you!. And that you will join me to help to improve the project!....Start Using

ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, drawn from Scripture, are fundamental to operating with integrity....Know Them

In God, For You !
Team, Spiritual Alerts.