Sunday, 14 September 2014

Author of Peace !

He is called "the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus" (Hebrews 13:20). He is also "The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). Melchizedek, who was at least a type of Christ, if not an actual pre-incarnate theophany of Christ Himself, is called "King of Salem, which is, King of peace" (Hebrews 7:2). In 2 Thessalonians 3:16, He is "the Lord of peace." Henry Morris, Ph.D

Psalm 46:10

Robert Jermain Thomas was born in Rhayadar South Wales (UK) in 1839. His dad was a minister in Hanover Church in Llanover near Abergervenny from 1848-1884. At 15 Thomas was made a member of the church and soon began to preach. On June 4th 1863, he was ordained at Hanover Church to be a missionary with the London Missionary Society. By this time Thomas had mastered nearly all the European languages and had studied medicine for 18 months with a Dr Waterman and spent five years at London University. Four weeks later Thomas and his young bride Caroline embarked for China at Gravesend and during the first week of December they arrived at Shanghai...Know More

Get 1000s of Instant Streaming MP3.Audio Sermons Spoken By Recognized Pastors Delivered To Your Car, Mobile Or Home Computer In Just Minutes...With our busy, and often crowded schedules, its often hard to dig into scripture or get new profound biblically infused word into your daily routine.Are there days you'd like to have a Pentecostal Preacher sit in the front seat of your car, join you on a run, or take a seat in your computer room and offer some advice?...Listen Now

Today, over 85 percent of Asian countries do not allow western missionaries to come and freely preach the Gospel and plant churches. For the gospel to spread throughout these vast regions, native evangelists and pastors believers must be equipped to reach their families, friends, and communities.This is why Reach Himalaya Ministries is committed to training and supporting native-pastors and evangelists who have been called to church planting and sharing the Gospel with those who receive food, shelter, medicine in the name of Christ....Know More

In God, For You !
Team, Spiritual Alerts.