The trial for which this precept is intended to strengthen
us is the irritation to which all are tempted by the sight of successful
wickedness. But there shall be a setting right of all such seeming injustice.
But the precept has a wider application than this...Know More
A deadly problem is
evident in society today. When someone hurts or threatens us, we want to
retaliate with words or actions. Even a pastor who had been slighted told me he
knew how to “get even.”...Know More
Let us unite then in
our prayer that God will give open doors, open mouths and open minds that many
of the saints of Christ shall come into the knowledge of the glorious truth of
the Mystery given to us by Christ through His chosen vessel, Paul. Let us be
wholly satisfied with Christ, without religion, knowing that the Father of
glory was so well pleased with His perfect life and perfect sacrifice that
naught but the precious blood of the spotless Lamb of God is required for
acceptance by Him, and that none of Israel’s religious program will aid us in a
holy walk and spiritual J.C. O'Hair
If you can read this
message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that
cannot read anything at all...Read More
Pray - It is how we
communicate with God
Read the Bible - It is
the voice of God
Community - Helps us
learn and understand God's will
Circumstances - Often
help us interpret God's will
Surrender - My
willingness to obey
In God, For You!
Team, Spiritual Alerts.