There’s hardly anything that doesn’t require some type of maintenance. The same holds true for your marriage. From the Marriage Series - “Home Improvement” 7144 and “Keys To A Happy Home” 7147
Seven Steps To Freedom 5152 Bound up? Get Free with these 7 steps NB
The Parable of Dracula 5210 The story of Dracula parallels our fight with the Devil. Learn the 7 Biblical principles taught in Dracula to fight this war.
Trouble Series - Sermons that you need to hear if you have trouble in your life. 7217 Overcoming Trouble 7218 Bitter or Better?
7219 Purposeful Problems 7220 Growing Thru Life’s Difficulties |
The Pain of Discipline or The Pain of Regret 5208 Do you lack discipline? Do you need to change some things? If you are suffering from a medical illness, a bad relationship or financial disaster, you must understand why. This will help you or someone you know make the change.
Eight Keys to Optimum Health 8201 plus Handout - Why is the church so fat? Learn these 8 keys to optimum health.
Breaking The 3-Way Tie - How To Break The Soul, Spirit and Sex Ties of Old Relationships. 5140
1 Hour and 40 minutes - After the death of his 38 year old brother, Pastor Nathaniel Bronner had an experience that changed his life. This is one of the most powerful sermons that you will ever hear.
Integrity 7209 Is God pleased with your day life and your night life? Could you be living a double life and not realize it? Take this integrity check.
In the Beginning-Creation or Evolution - One day your child will ask you “what about what my teacher told me about monkeys and me?” You need to able to answer scientifically. This is a must listen!!! A MUST LISTEN!!! 5014
The Perfect Storm 8000 Listen to 12 lessons to be learned from the movie, “The Perfect Storm” for in all of our lives, sooner or later, the perfect storm will come.
Red Blood and Red Meat - God gave us specific diet rules for health reasons. Hear the explanation of the law of red blood and red meat and understand the scientific reasons. One of the most requested tapes of all time!! 5018
Taming Your Tongue 7191 A 3-part series. Learn to control what you say and what the change in what you get. Part 2 Watch Your Mouth 7190 Part 3 Prescription for A Happy Life 7158
Blessed Sex - God intends for your sex to be blessed!!! #5091
Casting Out Fat Demons - Food is the greatest temptation. Learn how to deal with the FAT DEMON. Another HEAVILY requested tape. #5048
Breaking Generational Curses - If daddy and mama didn’t leave you the best inheritance, find out what to do about it. #5053
The Manifestation Series - Learn how to manifest the good things in your life. #1 Get Up With the Sun #2 Make the Call #3 U.B.B.I.#4 Why Do I Want This? For best results listen to them in order.
Living A Life of Excellence 7208 Why God did not accept Cain's offering! Could you be making the same mistake? Analyze your lifestyle.
The Curse of Ham - One of the most controversial and daring sermons ever preached. The truth behind The Curse of Ham and Black People, the curse used to justify slavery of African Americans. #5023
Personal and Confidential - The Private things of Nathaniel Bronner. #5017
The Good Time Devil - See if you can recognize this Devil. #5026
How To Find A Good Man - Practical steps to finding a good man. Every single woman should listen to this message. #5010
The Million Dollar Cell Phone - If you have a cell phone, you have a million dollars. #5072
Do You Want To Get Well? - If you are sick, you need this message. #5055
The Abrahamic Blessing Part 1 8150 Part 2 8160
Discover God's blessings now and for generations to come |
The Darling and The Sugar - A Hilarious Hour of Comedy. If you need to laugh, click on this and hold on. #5024
Come Out and Don’t Go Back - Getting some things out of your life is often the easy part. The hard part is not letting them back in. #5005
COLD BEDS 5054 and Return To Sender 5068 A straight talk and highly controversial message about SEX and married couples in the church that have cold beds. If you are married, you need to hear this.
Take My Word For It 7107 God always does what He says He’ll do.
Hanging In The Balance 8100 Every area of your life should be balanced.
The Want of Things - For most the lack of money is not the reason for financial problems and why I voted for Bush. #5036`
The Bitter Root - Holding something against someone? Hear this! #5070 and The Four Places of Joseph #5218 to get your family solid. Especially listen to ALL of the anointing at the end.
Where is Your Trust? 7156 Do you really know where your trust is? Do you place your trust in you job, house, money and other material things when it should be with God?
It Shall Come To Pass 7206 What God said for your life, shall come to pass
Guaranteed Victory 7057 You can’t fail when you’re doing God’s will. Remember: the safest place is in the will of God.
Inside Signals 7011 God speaks to us in many ways.
Becoming Good Ground 7054 Learn to be a good ground Christian and produce fruit.
The Sons of Korah 5226 If you have a father who was not the best or missing, learn how The Sons of Korah relates.